Technology tinkerer + entrepreneur


Mime: Compact Low-Power 3D Gesture Sensing

Mime: Compact Low-Power 3D Gesture Sensing

Abstract Mime is a compact, low-power 3D sensor for unencumbered free-form, single-handed gestural interaction with head-mounted displays (HMDs). It introduces a real-time signal processing framework that combines a novel three-pixel time-of-flight (TOF) module with a...

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CoDAC: Compressive Depth Acquisition Camera

CoDAC: Compressive Depth Acquisition Camera

CoDAC is a new time-of-flight based range measurement system for acquiring depth maps of piecewise-planar scenes with high spatial resolution using a single, omnidirectional, time-resolved photodetector and no scanning components.

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First Photon Imaging

First Photon Imaging

Imagers that use their own illumination can capture 3D structure and reflectivity information. With photon-counting detectors, images can be acquired at extremely low photon fluxes.

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Back to the desktop

Back to the desktop

In this project, we construct a virtual desktop centered around the smartphone display with the surface around the display opportunistically used for input. We use a 3-pixel optical time-of-flight sensor, Mime, to capture hand motion.

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Live Trace

Live Trace

In this interactive experience we were interested in enabling quick input actions to Google Glass. The application allows users to trace an object or region of interest in their live view. We use the trace as the foundation for allowing the user to indicate interest in a visual region.

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